Saturday, December 31

Bliss New Year

Everything Shall be Amazing ! 

A year over and a New One Just Begun!
I would like to start this post by thanking all of my lovely readers when I see that there are people from all over the globe interested in my family I get goose bumps. The New Year’s brings about resolutions of all kinds from people all over the world who celebrate the Georgian calendar. I would like to share my top five resolutions with all of you lovely humans of this cosmopolitan world.
1.)    I would like to become more spiritual and this is a journey that I am definitely going to be talking about on this blog. I am Muslim and I like most of us in the West have become secular. I would like to embark a journey to faith and I will be of course sharing this journey with all of you. I would love to break down stereotypes of show people of all faiths what we have in common as human beings. I am proud  that my small son in Morocco has such a large amount of faith.
2.)    I would like to spend more time with family especially my dear mother and children. I would like to share what knowledge though it is little of the world around me with my dear children. I will reach out to my son in Morocco and dedicate more time to Skype and making him feel he is a part of us.
3.)    Take in more free days at the local museums i.e. The Art Institute of Chicago, The Lincoln Park Zoo and The Filed Museum.
4.)    Exercise at least one hour a day in the form of cardio either belly dancing or other forms of cardio. Good Health allows us to prosper.
5.)    Make one really good friend and spend more time sharing my passions on this blog.

Top Fashion Trends for Mom and Kids in 2012

So I have clothes that I really truly dream of wearing and then there are the clothes that are out of reach. The clothes that I just cannot afford but I can look at any time on my favorite fashion blogs or Google. So for 2012 I want to showcase my top three favorite designers, top three affordable designers, top three dream perfumes, top three affordable perfumes and dime store couture make up ideas. I will also be featuring more Muslim friendly clothing as I have recently noticed I have a few readers from the Middle East. Dubai is definitely one of the premier shopping capitals of the world and it is time that this fashionable city gets the credit due to it, so I will feature great places to shop around the world and include Dubai, USA, London, and even Saudi Arabia. I will also review coffee houses that are kids friendly, publish reviews on kid’s clothing and have a weekly fashion post dedicated to kid’s affordable fashion.  This blog started off as my struggle a way for me to find some peace of mind escape from my trouble. It has evolved into a very creative form of self-expression and with so many page views per day I would really love to pump up the volume.

Blisses, Kisses and Hugs

I wish you all of very happy and healthy New Year and May your dreams come true in 2012. 

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