Sushi ! I reflect and I remember good times with my children. I look at my little lady and I remember her first times and I laugh. We discovered that Norah loves Sushi by accident when she was about eighteen months old . I was aware of food allergies that little ones can have but by one and a half you usually know. We were visiting my mom in Alabama who took us to dinner at the Hard Rock Casino Buffet. Norah just kinda reached over and grabbed the sushi from my mother's plate. It was just so adorable !
Norah actually loves all things Japanese including Harajuku Lovers purses,tee shirts and anything else Japanese ! She even can locate Tokyo on a map ! It is a reminder that our children live in a very different world than the one that we grew up in , did I have a clue about other countries at age five of course not ! As the world becomes more Cosmopolitan the eyes and the world views of our children change and we should embrace these changes. We can use small things like a fondness of Japan to spring board how people are different , yet alike !
This is our favorite Summer tee it works with leggings , jeans or shorts :) She has a few more but this is her favorite and I love it too !
Japanese Anime in our house include Ponyo and Spirited Away which are directed by Hayao Miyazaki , believe me you all know this guy , he worked on other Disney Productions and Titanic. These movies are incredible because they show another culture's view on what cartoons should teach children and that is a good lesson. I enjoyed these two movies and would recommend that parents watch them with their children in case there are any questions. Remember you are watching a cartoon from another culture.
Norah has has been obsessed with the Smurfs , she has her daddy driving around looking for Smurfs at McDonalds so that we can put them in her even happier meals. But unlike McDonalds daddy has been getting a couple a day so she often gets two toys in one even happier meal. I think when the twins come home I will buy some brown paper bags and we can decorate the bags for each other and on special days I will go get them Happy Meal toys and make them an even Happier Meal and go have a picnic ! I really miss my boys .............
xoxoxoxo , Jen
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