Wednesday, August 10

All the Mommies this will be you one day !

Dear Bader ,
If you must grow up and start to date I am glad that you spend time with Dani who is a very sweet girl with a sweet spirit. It is very hard for me to look at pictures like these because it reminds me that time flies and that life is short. I am proud of the man that you are growing up to be and most of the time it is hard to believe that I have a son who is a good half a foot taller than me. These photos brought tears to my eyes , but you look happy ............. I love you and you will always be my first little boy and as you enter the world I may not agree with you or your choices in life but I love you none the less ! You are my child and my first little boy xoxoxox , Mom

Another women will one day steal you thunder !


  1. Hey!!

    I am a mother of 3 boys! My first one (now 22) is graduating from college and moving next month :(

    So, I hear you... but, they are always going to be a lot of fun, specially when they get together and start making stories about you and when they were little.

    Enjoy everyday with them, they are gone really fast!

    Mel (bohemia-latina)

    Thank you for following my blog! It was funny your comment about haircuts

  2. Thank you Mel for stopping bye ! I must say you are one hot mama to have a 22 :) I bet your boys are handsome devils. This gf of his is an honor student and wants to be a dr. some day so if he does not mess her up at least I know she will take care of his lazy but . Bliss xoxoxo Jen
