Tuesday, September 6

Kindergarten :) was an Easy Bake

There was a whole hour in between the twins drop off and Miss Norah's drop off so we found Angel Bakery which is right across the street from her school. It was the most amazing place I have ever been it had a vintage girl's toy theme and the main decor was Easy Bake ovens and I mean there were plenty of them and I was in instant bliss. They also had lovely crochet flowers on the tables and vintage pyrex sugar dishes this place was awesome I tell you . The nostalgia of this place was amazing I am a huge east bake fan and the collection was quite entertaining. Norah got a lovely pink lemonade soda which the Eiffel Tower in pink of course.

I think we will visit again tomorrow I went back in the afternoon and had a another late when I had the hour in between with the twins who loved the place despite it's girly girly theme. This lovely place really deserves a blog post of it's own and I may just have to do that !

The first day went far better than I thought it would she skipped happily across the street and met a friend right away. She found her seat with no problem at all. It was very exciting and I did tear up a bit after I left the class. Walking past Angel Bakery did make me really happy though ! Overall Bliss day ! XOXOXO , Jen

My vision was that each one of my children could feel special by having their own post , the twins like being together so they loved their special post . I took Norah to the Angel Bakery in the morning and the twins in the afternoon and it was special for all of us. It is often hard to have so many so small and I do my best and sadly I am not sure if my best will ever live up to my standards of what a mommy is.


  1. SOOOOOOOO COOL! i had an easy bake oven when i was a kid... fond memories!

  2. Yea I went back again this morning ! I am so in love with this lovely place it is called Angel Food Bakery in Chicago you can google it amazing place. I want a vintage easy bake now I have already started !
