Friday, September 30

Mean Girl in K 5

One good thing about my children attending different school that take in at different times is that I get to have breakfast with my little lady every single morning. I get to play around with the twins for an hour before we pick up Norah! Today we went to Starbucks instead of the Angel Food and had a Pumpkin Spice for me and a bagel with cream cheese and an Apple cider for Norah. Starbucks sent me a free bagel coupon so I just had to use it. So our conversation was centered on a little girl we will call Kayla and why my daughter and the others think she is a mean girl. Wow mean girls in kindergarten? I volunteer for the morning rush in Norah’s class so yes I have seen some of the mean girl attitude in this cute as button little girl, but already this early. I am sure my Norah will hold her own she is kind of shy but she has always been under our wings and has quickly became the wind so I know she will make it through this kindergarten tiff . I was overjoyed  when we got to the school playground and she ran and found her friends and showed them her recess toys two wizard of OZ people, a blythe and a Mulan crown.She let everyone play along and made no notice of  the resident meanie,  who I might add was the first one to discover the Blythe doll was a Dorthy double. As I watched her the ten minutes before the bell rang I realized just how kind and sweet of a girl she is and how very lucky we are to have her in our lives.
Little Norah Style :  Norah is wearing Zara sweater , gap hand me down yoga pants , and yellow cord toms like the ones on the give away. It is hard to believe that in such a short time the ground where she stands will be covered in snow !

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